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Commission Spot Deposit




This listing is for a deposit for one commission spot for early October, to be completed around the middle of the month (depending on the work desired). The total commission price will be due upon completion of the doll. The total price for a basic commission doll will be $1950USD (additional costs where applicable) 


This price includes :

  •  Carving of lips nose and mouth ( open mouth and teeth)
  • Full face-up sealed with MSC
  • body swapping ( you provide the body or I can purchase at an additional cost)
  • Lids in a style that I have created in the past
  • 4 sets of hand-painted eye chips
  • coordinating tassle pull charms
  • Base doll will be provide by customer. I only work on authentic Blythe dolls and would prefer not to work on extremely expensive or rare Blythes. I usually have base dolls on hand that can be used at an addition charge, around $200-$300 depending on the desired doll.

Additional options are available such as :


Reroots- $250-$350 depending on color and fiber. I can do most colors myself, but complicated dye colors may be best purchased from a another source.


Clothing - $150- $ 250 depending on what you would like her to wear


*Additonal work may require additional time to complete


Although this is a commission I will only work in the perimeters of a color scheme, not a theme or specific carving requests (I am unable to replicate a specific carving style). For instance if you want a pink hair doll, I will put together a complimentary color scheme for you to achieve a cohesive look. This is the way I usually work and doing so will ensure that you receive the best of my work. Being an artist, I prefer to have as much creative control as possible which will deliver you a doll that meets my current style and standards.


Exact copies of my previous dolls is something that I will not do out of respect to the owner. This includes the same color schemes that have been used on previous dolls. I will not duplicate a doll.


After the listing is purchased, I will contact you to discuss your idea and order materials as needed.



Upon completion of the doll the final payment will be due less the deposit. Please feel free to message me with questions, I will reposed as quickly as possible.

October Commission Spot

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